Monday, 29 October 2012

Moneymaking and Webmasters Forums

Moneymaking and Webmasters Forums

Posted by munir Here is the list of major moneymaking and webmaster forums. There are currently 108 top moneymaking and webmaster forums in this lists. I am updating this moneymaking and webmasters forum lists so be sure to add this page in your rss reader to get updated on time. The following lists includes top money making forums, top webmasters forums, top internet marketing forums, and other top webmaster resources.

  1. Acorndomains - UK domain appraisal and discussion forum.
  2. Abestweb - General affiliate and moneymaking forum.
  3. Affiliate Marketing Forum 5star - Great affiliate programs are being discussed here.
  4. Affiliates4U - General affiliate forum.
  5. Associate Programs - A silent forum for affiliate programs but have a lot of useful topics..
  6. Adultwebmasterinfo - One of the largest and most. comprehensive adult webmaster forums.
  7. Bloggerforum - Another forum focusing on blogging and blog moneymaking.
  8. Bobsfreestuff - Free stuff and bargain discussions in UK.
  9. Business Forum - Business forum focusing on online moneymaking.
  10. Clickbanksuccessforum - Forum dedicated for people who are selling online and uses clickbank.
  11. Code4gold - Discussions for moneymaking programs that uses ecurreny.
  12. Cre8asiteforum - Discussion form wed administration, design, programming, search engine optimization, and moneymaking.
  13. Createablog - A forum dedicated to blog owners and blog moneymaking.
  14. Daniweb - Popular webmaster and programmers forum own by known programmer.
  15. Ddboard - Domain, hosting, and general webmaster forums.
  16. Dealcatcher - Largest forum for online deals and freebies.
  17. Devshed - Open source web development forums for programmers and webmasters.
  18. Dnforum - As far as I know, the biggest domain forum on the web.
  19. Digitalpoint - Internet marketing, webmaster, and search engine forum.
  20. Discussnames - Domain discussion forum.
  21. Dnlodge - Discuss almost all topics being tackles by webmasters.
  22. Domainscoop - Large domain forum and marketplace for domain business transactions.
  23. Domainforums - Another big discussion for domains.
  24. Domainstate - Domain and hosting discussion forum.
  25. Dreamteammoney - Internet Marketing, Webmaster, Affiliate, HYIP, Network Marketing, GPT, Other Convention Money Making Discussion and More!
  26. Ewealth - A lot of options to make money online. Internet Marketing Forum - Affiliate Forum.
  27. Fatwallet - Finance and moneymaking discussions.
  28. Forum4designers - One of the most comprehensive forums for coders.
  29. Freeadvertising Forum - This is a place where you can post your free classified ads to thousands of active marketers.
  30. Freestuffhotdeals - Lots of hot deals, freebies, and free shopping and webmaster resources.
  31. Freestuffpage - Another great forums for hot deals and free stuffs.
  32. Freewebpage - Internet marketing and seo forum.
  33. Frontpagewebmasters - Now Outfront: useful discussion about web administration and online moneymaking.
  34. Generalforum - Forums about anything and everything about moneymaking.
  35. Getpaidforum - Biggest and oldest get paid to forum.
  36. Globalgoldtalk - Discuss ways to make money from online investments. Learn a way to make money online.
  37. Goldage - Focuses on HYIPs and other online moneymaking programs.
  38. Goldentalk - Another hyip forums and other gambling topics.
  39. Googlecommunity - Focusing google, adsense, adwords, and other google related features.
  40. GPTboycott - Forum about fighting get paid to scams.
  41. Highrangkings - Focuses mainly on search engine optimization especially google indexing and page ranking.
  42. Homeworking - Focusing on people staying at home and wanted to make money.
  43. Hostingdiscussion - Hosting and web server administration discussion. Best for people who are doing hosting business.
  44. Hostingforum - Canadian Industry Discussion, Webmaster Forum, Web Host Reviews and Deals forums.
  45. Hotsurfs - HYIP and autosurfs forums.
  46. Htmlforums - Webmasters forum focusing mainly on site administration, design, programming, and web development.
  47. Hyipdiscussion - One of the oldest HYIP forums dedicated to ecurrency investments.
  48. Hyipforum - HYIP Forum Hyip (High Yield Investment Programs) …. E-Gold HYIP Forum. Discuss High Yield Investing and more.
  49. Hyipstalk - A HYIP forum dedicated to HYIP fanatics.
  50. Idnforums - Domain discussion forum.
  51. Ihelpyou - Focusing mainly on search engine optimization.
  52. Im4newbies - Another big internet marketing forum.
  53. Internetbasedmoms - Online moneymaking forums for Moms.
  54. Iwebtool - General webmasters forum, marketplace, and online moneymaking discussions.
  55. Mommysavers - Forums for online moneymaking Moms.
  56. Moneyfanclub - MoneyFanClub provides money making forum discussions on hyip, autosurf, stocks, forex, mlm, affiliate marketing and online money making opportunities.
  57. Moneymakergroup - Discuss all the ways to make money online including HYIPs, autosurfs, stocks, forex, MLM, affiliate marketing & other investments.
  58. Moneysavingexpert - A UK based forum focusing on moneysaving and online moneymaking.
  59. Moneytalkpro - One of the best forums for get paid to programs.
  60. Mycashforum - Talk about online investments, everything from HYIP programs to autosurfs, manualsurfs, matrix programs, randomizers and much more.
  61. Namepros - Domain discussion and marketplace. Reliable domain appraisal and sales.
  62. Netcashcows - An online money making forum community dedicated to providing resources, strategies and feedback to help you succeed online by money making forum members.
  63. Netpond - Webmaster discussion includes adult web administration and business.
  64. Ozzu - Webmaster forum focusing on web administration.
  65. Pinoymoneytalk - Moneymaking forum for Filipinos focusing on a variety of online moneymaking programs available to Filipinos.

  66. Powelly - Welcome to Powellys Online Money Making Forum! The aim of this forum is to share guides, tips and pointers on how to make money online.
  67. Redflagdeals - Another freebie and hot deals forums.
  68. Revenuesource - Affiliate and online moneymaking forums for webmasters.
  69. Rolclub - Online moneymaking forum, investments, stcoks, bonds, gambling, affiliate, and webmaster forum.
  70. Savingadvice - Saving money discussions and advices.
  71. Searchengineforums - Searchengine optimization techniques and SEO industry discussion in depth.
  72. Searchenginewatch - SEO, Seacrh Engines, and directories forums. Full of webmaster resources.
  73. Seophilippines - Philippine webmaster and SEO forums.
  74. Seroundtable - Discussing mainly on google and other major search engine optimization.
  75. Seochat - Most active forum for Search Engine Optimization.
  76. Seoguy - More serious and comprehensive discussion about search engine optimization.
  77. Siteownersforum - General webmasters forum, marketplace, and online moneymaking discussions.
  78. Sitepoint - Programmers and webmasters resources. Includes search engine and moneymaking discussions.
  79. Slickdeals - Lots of online freebies and hot deals.
  80. Smallbusinessforum - Talk anything about small to medium businesses.
  81. Spoofee - Another freebie forums for giveaways.
  82. Talkfreelance - Webmaster forums, freelance discussion, and webmaster marketplace.
  83. Talkgold - Money Making Ebooks - Reviews and Discussion. (Debates about) Guides, Systems, Services and Programs to Make Money. Sub-Forums: Making Money Online.
  84. Theadminzone - The Admin Zone is the resource for owners and administrators of online communities.
  85. Thefreeadforum - Active free advertising forums for online moneymakers.
  86. Thegreennation - Online investments forums and other moneymaking programs.
  87. Thehyipforum - Specializes on high yield investment programs.
  88. Ukbusinessforum - Business discussions in UK.
  89. Ukwebmasterworld - UK webmaster and programming forums. Includes moneymaking and other online resources for online moneymakers.
  90. V7n Forum - Another webmaster and moneymaking forums focusing on web development.
  91. Wahm - Biggest forum for moneymaking Moms.
  92. Warriorforum - Comprehensive affiliate marketing forum.
  93. Webdesignsforum - Get your web design and web development questions answered.
  94. Webdeveloper - One of the most comprehensive programming and web development forums
  95. Webforumz - Web development and moneymaking discussion.
  96. Webhostingtalk - Focusing mainly on hosting, domain, and general programming and seo.
  97. Web-life - One of the most active HYIP forums before. Now you can still discuss about hyip and post in advertising folder.
  98. Webmasterforumsonline - Discussion Forums for Webmasters about SEO, Internet Marketing and Advertising, Website Design and Development, Web Hosting and General Topics.
  99. Webmastershelp - This is the best place to go if you are looking for helpful people developing websites.
  100. Webmastertalk - Forum for designers, programmers, SEO professionals, and online moneymakers.
  101. Webmasterworld - News and discussions for web professionals.
  102. Webtalkforums - One of my favorite webmaster and web development forums. Offers revenue sharing for members.
  103. Webexpertz - Free scripting and coding help from web professionals.
  104. Whydowork - Discussion about a variety of moneymaking ideas and topics.
  105. Wickedfire - All about online moneymaking and internet marketin

1 comment:

  1. Problem: HP Printer not connecting to my laptop.

    I had an issue while connecting my 2 year old HP printer to my brother's laptop that I had borrowed for starting my own business. I used a quick google search to fix the problem but that did not help me.

    I then decided to get professional help to solve my problem. After having received many quotations from various companies, i decided to go ahead with Online Tech Repair (

    Reasons I chose them over the others:
    1) They were extremely friendly and patient with me during my initial discussions and responded promptly to my request.
    2) Their prices were extremely reasonable.
    3) They were ready and willing to walk me through the entire process step by step and were on call with me till i got it fixed.

    How did they do it
    1) They first asked me to state my problem clearly and asked me a few questions. This was done to detect any physical connectivity issues with the printer.
    2) After having answered this, they confirmed that the printer and the laptop were functioning correctly.
    3) They then, asked me if they could access my laptop remotely to troubleshoot the problem and fix it. I agreed.
    4) One of the tech support executives accessed my laptop and started troubleshooting.
    5) I sat back and watched as the tech support executive was navigating my laptop to spot the issue. The issue was fixed.
    6) I was told that it was due to an older version of the driver that had been installed.

    My Experience
    I loved the entire friendly conversation that took place with them. They understood my needs clearly and acted upon the solution immediately. Being a technical noob, i sometimes find it difficult to communicate with tech support teams. It was a very different experience with the guys at Online Tech Repairs. You can check out their website or call them on 1-914-613-3786.
    Would definitely recommend this service to anyone who needs help fixing their computers.
    Thanks a ton guys. Great Job....!!

